Bin/Shelf/Aisle Location

Bin/Shelf/Aisle Location

You can set a Location Within Warehouse value for items at specific inventory locations by clicking the Add/Edit Pricing & Location button when editing an item (Inventory -> Items). This value can be bin/shelf/aisle, etc.

You can view prior warehouse locations for items if the Location Within Warehouse History add-on is active. On the Add/Edit Pricing & Location page click the View Past Locations Within Warehouse link.

You can show the bin location on order pick tickets by turning on the option Admin -> Billing -> Company Options -> Invoicing & Ordering -> Pick Ticket -> Show Bin Location.

If you'd like a more feature rich way to manage bin locations for items, activate the Warehouse Zones add-on. Once activated you can go to Admin -> Inventory -> Warehouse Zones and Warehouse Bins and set up zones within inventory locations and then assign bins within zones. When using this feature, you'll see a new section at the bottom of Add/Edit Pricing & Location that will list the assigned bins for the item.

The Warehouse Bins can be used to help organize cycle and physical counts as well when using the Inventory Adjustment Requests add-on (Corporate version). Visit Inventory -> Count Management -> New Stock Check Request to begin new cycle and physical counts. (When the Inventory Adjustment Requests add-on is off, you can do physical counts by going to Inventory -> Home -> Physical Inventory).