Delete a PO

Delete a PO

Option 1

Go to Payables -> Purchasing -> Edit Purchase Order. Input your PO number and click "Next". Then click "Delete".

Option 2

If there is no "Delete" button it is likely that you have already received goods on this PO.

If you have passed the PO to Payables you will first want to delete the bill by going to Payables -> Vendor Bills -> Edit Vendor Bills before completing the steps in Option 1.

Option 3

If you have not passed the bill to AP you can unreceive the items by doing the following:

1. Go to Reports -> Payables -> Items Received List.

2. Fill in the desired search criteria and click "Next".

3. Click the "Recv Date" for the purchase and select "Unreceive This Item".

The PO can then be deleted using the steps in Option 1.