Recurring Billing with Payment Plans

Recurring Billing with Payment Plans

If you'd like to set up recurring billing for your customers, then you'll want to check out our payment plan module.

Go to Income -> Payment Plans and click on New Plan to enter in the details for recurring invoices.

When you are ready to generate new invoices for recurring plans, go to Income -> Payment Plans -> Post Plans.

You can choose to email out the invoices by checking the Email Invoices box. You can add an Email Template by going to Admin -> System -> Mail Templates -> Add and choosing to start an Invoice template. In your email template include the text {paybutton} where you'd like a link to go for your customers to click to pay their invoice. You'll need to have NolaPay set up first in order to receive payments this way (Admin -> Billing -> Credit Card Options -> Add New Account -> NolaPay -> Sign Up).