Emailing Invoices

Emailing Invoices

You can email invoices a few different ways.

  1. Open the invoice by clicking the Invoice # in Income -> Invoices. Click the Email button at the top of the page. When you email an invoice, an Invoice Note will automatically be added recording when the invoice was emailed.
  2. Hover over the Invoice # in Income -> Invoices. Click the small arrow that pops up to access the invoice's context menu. Click the Email link at the top of the context menu.
  3. Email multiple invoices at once by going to Income -> Reports -> Billing -> Reprint Invoices. Filter the list of invoices by Invoice Date or Invoice Number Range and click Next. Click Send Notices to email out invoices.
  4. When editing customers (Income -> Customers) check the box in the Invoicing section labeled Email When Invoiced. This will automatically email out invoices to marked customers when invoices are generated.

If you'd like to have a payment link available for emailed invoices so that customers can pay invoices with a credit card, do the following:

  1. Set up a NolaPay account so that you can accept credit cards. Go to Admin -> Billing -> Credit Card Options -> Add New Account -> NolaPay -> Sign Up.
  2. Be sure Tools -> Add-ons -> Email Payment Links is turned on.
  3. Links will automatically be dropped into invoices once you have a NolaPay account configured and the Email Payment Links add-on activated. If you'd like to specify where the payment link will be displayed in the body of the invoice email, create an email template by going to Admin -> System -> Mail Templates. Click Add and select Invoice as the template type. Place the payment link by using the {paybutton} field.

If you haven't already set up your email connection, you'll need to do that first before emailing invoices. Check out this article to find out where the email (SMTP) setup areas are.