Time Clock Login

Time Clock Login

You can create a time clock login account for an employee one of two ways.

1) If the employee doesn't have a user account created yet, you can edit the employee (Payroll -> Employees) and click the plus button next to Login Rights in the Payroll -> Additional section when editing the employee record. This will bring up a new subtab where you can enter user account details. If you only want this user to be able to log into the timeclock system, mark the box labeled Time Clock Login Only.

2) If you have already created a user account for the employee, open the user account by going to Admin -> System -> Users. Select the user's employee account with the Employee select box. Click Save when done.

Users can access the time clock system by going to your site's URL with /timecard added to the end. From inside NolaPro you can access the time clock system by clicking the chain icon in the upper right menu and then clicking Time Clock.