Export Linux Database to Upgrade to Hosted Service

Export Linux Database to Upgrade to Hosted Service

Before exporting your database you'll need to upgrade to the latest version here. After updating, you'll need to open a Linux shell prompt and run this command:

mysqldump -u[username] -p[password] nolapro >nolapro.sql

Don't include brackets of course. In most cases the [username] would be root. If no password you can just leave -p blank - for example:

mysqldump -uroot nolapro>nolapro.sql

Once you extract your database into the nolapro.sql file, compress it via Zip or Gzip to reduce the size. After that notify us via support@nolapro.com that you would like to upload an existing database to a new hosted site. We will provide a secure link for you to upload your database. We will then load the database into a new hosted site.