Prepaid Services

Prepaid Services

If you would like to add prepaid service/labor time to service orders, or if you just want to keep a running total of allotted time and how much has been used, you can click the Add Time Ordered To Order button when editing a service order.

Select a Worktype and Work Class and set the number of allotted Hours. Click Save when done. 

You'll see a new table titled Time Ordered when editing a service order with prepaid time added to it. This will show the allotted hours and the number of hours used up.

Click the Add Labor Time To Order button to add service time to the order and deduct from the time ordered.

You can view hours ordered for multiple orders by going to Income -> Reports -> Orders -> Hours Ordered

You can track time added to orders by going to Income -> Reports -> Orders -> Time Report.

You can view service orders that have gone over the estimate (Estimate field when editing the service order) by going to Income -> Reports -> Orders -> Orders Over Estimate.