General Tax Information

General Tax Information

From the Main Menu, select Admin -> Setup Receivables -> Sales Taxes.

Click on the 'General Sales Tax Info' button on the first screen.

1. How to Apply Sales Tax to Invoice and Order Items: You have the choice to tax all items on an invoice according to the taxes attached to the Company or to individually tax each line item on the invoice or order.

2. Tax Who: Select to tax on the basis of the Order-by Address, the Ship-To Address, or to never apply sales taxes.

3. Sales Tax Districts for WALK-INS: NOTE: These tax districts are only used if the "Tax Who:" field is set to Ship-To Address. You may select up to three(3) tax districts from the pull-down boxes. If you need to add a district, click the Add button.

4. Is Freight Taxable?: Check the box if it IS taxable.

5. Is Labor Taxable?: Check the box if it IS taxable.

Click the Save button to save changes.

Click the Back button to return without saving to the main Company Options page.