Customer First/Last Name Not Appearing on Customer Page
If you are missing fields when editing customers:
1) Go to Admin -> System -> Company New/Edit.
2) Select your company and click Edit.
3) Look for a field called Short Ship To Screen under General -> Additional. If this box is checked, uncheck it and click Save. This option will reduce the number of fields visible when editing customers. Customer fields that are not visible when this option is on are: First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Salutation, Suffix, Country, Mail Stop, Time Zone. Ship To fields that are not visible are: Country, Mail Stop, Phone, Email.
4) Go to the edit page, and all of your fields should be present.
If you have the Customer Page Customizer add-on active, this may also be blocking fields. You can check to see which fields may be limited by going to Admin -> Billing -> Customer Page Customizer.